Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Baby robin in trouble

Baby robin in trouble he flew from my deck to where he is about 15 feet and stayed most of the afternoon he seems to be having trouble flying mom Robin keeps feeding him and trying to talk him into coming with her. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The puffed up Robin

This robin was puffed up on a low branch fr an hour. 
I was thinking maybe she was protecting babies 

(images copyright and watermarked Lisa Roy)

american robin sound 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A week ago as we BBQ

as we sat in the beautiful sun waiting for it to set, cooking on the grill we looked up and saw morning doves playing. I do think a female was playing hard to get but not for long. (images copyright and watermarked Lisa Roy)

and then we saw this little guy in some low pine brush Sound 

baby bird

Friday, April 15, 2016

Today's birds in my back yard spring play

While playing with the dogs in yard in the sun. It was a bit chilly but spring is like that I saw this beautiful cardinal

Listen to him sing!!!  I think he was upset with me taking pics. 

 and this little guy was hopping abut the grass as i was taking the photos not a care  the world then he flew off to the feeders next door.

and this robin above my head in our big old maple. I hope your day was as beautiful as mine.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Rhode Island birds entry 4

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 4 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

 The Brant Resembling a mix of a duck and a Canada goose, Brant are long-distance migrators that spend the winter months along New England shores photo by Lisa Roy description from sound

 Mute Swan sound

morning doves sound

Dark-eyed Juncos  a little sparrow that flit about forest floors of the western mountains and Canada, then flood the rest of North America for winter. sound

Rhode Island birds entry 3

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 3 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

the catbird is fun and spunky and has lots of noises- songs one sounding like a cat and is why he is called the catbird  this link has all his sounds at the bottom of the page you can check put- sound

juvenal Baltimore Oriole sound

Boat-tailed Grackle look at that tail and blueish head sound


Herring gull sound

ring-billed gull sound 

Rhode Island birds entry 2

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 2 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

Carolina Wren sound

Blue Jay sound

The Cardinal male

The Northern flicker woodpecker  sound

Rhode Island birds entry 1

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 1 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

the American sparrow sound

The Robin 

The Mallard duck male 

The Starling sounds