Friday, April 15, 2016

Today's birds in my back yard spring play

While playing with the dogs in yard in the sun. It was a bit chilly but spring is like that I saw this beautiful cardinal

Listen to him sing!!!  I think he was upset with me taking pics. 

 and this little guy was hopping abut the grass as i was taking the photos not a care  the world then he flew off to the feeders next door.

and this robin above my head in our big old maple. I hope your day was as beautiful as mine.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Rhode Island birds entry 4

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 4 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

 The Brant Resembling a mix of a duck and a Canada goose, Brant are long-distance migrators that spend the winter months along New England shores photo by Lisa Roy description from sound

 Mute Swan sound

morning doves sound

Dark-eyed Juncos  a little sparrow that flit about forest floors of the western mountains and Canada, then flood the rest of North America for winter. sound

Rhode Island birds entry 3

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 3 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

the catbird is fun and spunky and has lots of noises- songs one sounding like a cat and is why he is called the catbird  this link has all his sounds at the bottom of the page you can check put- sound

juvenal Baltimore Oriole sound

Boat-tailed Grackle look at that tail and blueish head sound


Herring gull sound

ring-billed gull sound 

Rhode Island birds entry 2

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 2 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

Carolina Wren sound

Blue Jay sound

The Cardinal male

The Northern flicker woodpecker  sound

Rhode Island birds entry 1

ALL Images Copy Right Lisa Roy

Rhode Island  birds entry 1 
these photos taken in the last year, soon 
I will add diaries of new photos I take,
they will include place conditions season and so on.

the American sparrow sound

The Robin 

The Mallard duck male 

The Starling sounds