Sunday, May 5, 2019

spring day 2019

Spring day 2019 you can find more of these  birds the cardinals doves and so on further in my blog with sounds

all my photos are copyright and on products in several places like zazzle




carolina wren 

White brested nuthatch

 white breasted nuthatch--sound
they love seeds the nutty types and love insects
they hide nuts in the bark of trees  and that is how they get the name Nuthatch

Rhode island birds, red winged black bird, woodpecker, gold finch

I do love watching my back yard and my feeders  some new faces all the time

Red winged blackbird--- sound 
a very common Blackbird he was my NH high school mascot 

Downy woodpecker sound 
they say is the smallest woodpecker 

Male Goldfinch   sound
the male goldfinch gets bright yellow during mate finding and
 during the winter they are an olive color they love feeders so watch for them